WVHAR - Workshop on Vision-based Human Activity Recognition
- Saturday, August 30
- 08:30 - 12:30
- Room: 12th floor FGV´s Auditorium
Original contributions, both from academia and industry on Human Activity Recognition (HAR) and its applications will be discussed in this workshop. The contributions include a non-exhaustive list of areas of interest such as:
- Action recognition;
- Violence detection;
- Pose estimation and its application for HAR;
- Feature extraction for VHAR;
- Embedded solutions for visual surveillance;
- People detection/tracking - both 2D and 3D;
- Sports visual analytics;
- Depth-cameras for monitoring environments;
- Visual privacy;
- Visual concept learning.
- datasets for vision-based HAR (databases with human actions and activities).
Download the files of the accepted works here
Preliminary Agenda
The workshop will be held on 30 August 2014.
08:45 – 09:30 Welcome and Technical Session 1
09:30 – 10:30 Keynote speaker talk: Dr. Thomas Ploetz
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee-break
11:00 – 12:00 Technical Session 2
12:00 – 12:15 Best paper award and discussion
WVHAR papers will be presented as an oral session. The presentations must fit in 12 minutes, with additional 3 minutes for questions. Slides should be prepared in English.
Technical Session 1
8:45 - 9:00 Human Tracking using a Kinematic Model in a 3D Probabilistic Occupancy Grid
Maurício Goulart (UFRG), Rodrigo de Bem (UFRG), Gisele Simas (UFRG), Silvia Botelho (UFRG)
9:00 - 9:15 High Level Event Detection based on Spatial Occupancy and Interpersonal Relationships
John Soldera (UFRGS), José Bins Filho (UNIPAMPA), Marcelo Cohen (PUC-RS), Julio Cezar Jacques Junior (PUC-RS), Soraia Musse (PUC-RS), Cláudio Jung (UFRGS)
9:15 - 9:30 Continuous Sign Recognition of Brazilian Sign Language in a Health Care Setting
José Elías Yauri Vidalón (Unicamp), José Mario De Martino (Unicamp)
I know what you are doing, and I can tell how well! — An outlook beyond (traditional) Activity Recognition.
WVHAR invited speaker: Thomas Ploetz, Newcastle University, UK
- Saturday, August 30
- 9:30 - 10:30
- Room: FGV´s 12th floor Auditorium
Abstract: Computational Behaviour Analysis (CBA) is an emerging discipline that focuses on developing methods to study and understand behavioural phenotypes of humans with specific focus on health related applications. Examples of which are behaviour based screenings in Autism, skill assessment for Dementia patients or people with Parkinson's disease, or personalised rehabilitation support for stroke patients, to name but a few -- all with the objective of tailoring and improving individualised support. CBA is opportunistic regarding sensing modalities used for capturing human behaviour and apart from video based assessments Dr Ploetz and his team work with a multitude of sensors from the Pervasive and Ubiquitous computing domain. The focus of Ploetz's work is on developing and applying computational modelling techniques for CBA.
Short-Bio: Dr. Thomas Ploetz earned his PhD in Computer Science from Bielefeld University in Germany. His background is on machine learning and statistical pattern recognition. Currently he is an Assoc. Prof. (Senior Lecturer) at the School of Computing Science at Newcastle University in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK where the Machine Learning and Activity Recognition research activities within the Digital Interaction group at Culture Lab. Prior to his appointment in Newcastle he worked as a visiting Research Fellow at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, USA, and as a post-doc in both Newcastle and TU Dortmund Universities (Dortmund, Germany).
Technical Session 2
11:00 - 11:15 On-line Cascade Boosted Classifier for Face Tracking
Thiago Prata (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE), Ing Ren Tsang (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco), George Cavalcanti (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE)
11:15 - 11:30 Video Tensor Self-descriptor Based on Variable Size Block Matching
Fabio Oliveira (UFJF), Helena Maia (UFJF), Virginia Mota (UFMG), Marcelo Vieira (UFJF), Arnaldo Araujo (UFMG)
11:30 - 11:45 Framework for Generating Visual Stimuli Procedurally
Daniel Basso (INESCTEC), Miguel Correia (University of Porto)
11:45 - 12:00 Analysis of Human Activity By Specific Energy of Movement Volume in Hemiparetic Individuals
Luciano Oliveira (UFBA), João Paulo Vieira (UFBA), Diedre Carmo (UFBA), Rildo Ferreira (UFBA), José Miranda (UFBA)
- Vanessa Testoni, PhD, Researcher at Samsung Research Brazil
- Sandra Avila, PhD, Researcher at Unicamp
- Otávio Penatti, PhD, Researcher at Samsung Research Brazil
- Eduardo Valle, PhD, EE Assistant Professor at Unicamp
- Leticia Rittner, PhD, EE Assistant Professor at Unicamp
- Fernanda Andaló, PhD, Researcher at Samsung Research Brazil
- Miguel Lizarraga, PhD, Researcher at Samsung Research Brazil
- Vanessa Testoni: vanessa.t@samsung.com