
The registration system is now available here.

The registration fees are:

Full Registration Before 14th July July 15th - August 14th August 15th - August 25th After August 26th
SBC/EG*/IEEE Professional Members R$ 358,00 R$ 425,60 R$ 492,80 R$ 560,00
Professional Non-Members R$ 425,60 R$ 515,20 R$ 604,80 R$ 694,40
SBC/EG*/IEEE Undergrad and Graduate Student Members R$ 89,60 R$ 112,00 R$ 134,40 R$ 268,80
Undergrad and Graduate Student Non-Members R$ 112,00 R$ 145,60 R$ 179,20 R$ 358,40
Tutorials Only Before 14th July July 15th - August 14th August 15th - August 25th After August 26th
SBC/EG*/IEEE Members R$ 56,00 R$ 67,20 R$ 78,40 R$ 156,80
SBC/EG*/IEEE Non-Members R$ 67,20 R$ 89,60 R$ 112,40 R$ 224,00

Additional tax for attending to the cultural event that will take place at the MAR Museum and includes the event dinner: R$ 20,00.